V Blog. Jedi Level Mindset.
The uniqueness of this video blog is that the content comes from my clients. They collaborate with me and help pick topics for my videos. Their ideas are amazing and they keep my creativity flowing.
Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Certification
The SSP stimulates nervous system regulation and can help with difficulties such as anxiety, irritability, anger, social interaction and auditory sensitivity. The intervention uses prosodic vocal music that has been filtered to send signals of soothing safeness that train the middle ear to tune out signals of danger and instead take in more signals of safety.
Social Worker Month
This month the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) created some amazing zoom backgrounds to help social workers around the country feel pride for their hard work. Since the pandemic social workers have been working harder than ever and it is nice to share our stories of how we support others.
Be There Certificate
The Be There Certificate is a free, digital, self-paced learning experience designed to increase mental health literacy and provide youth with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to safely support anyone who may be struggling with their mental health.
Giving back to Future Social Workers
I had the honor and privilege for being a guest speaker with 2U Inc to share my story and inspire the next generation of social worker feel comfortable entering the Telehealth workforce. 2U, Inc. is an American educational technology company that contracts with non-profit colleges and universities to build, deliver and support online degree and non-degree programs.
Book Review: A Call to Wholeness
This is an amazing book written by my mentor Jan Byars. Most of us know this as a feeling of overwhelm or burnout. We know the words, but often do not really understand their impact on our lives, our work, the people around us, and our organizations.
Heart Focused Breathing
It is designed to reduce the intensity of a stress reaction and to establish a calm, but alert state. The technique allows you to take a time-out where you can step back and neutralize your depleting emotions. We can benefit from conscious breathing, if we use it to help us shift into and sustain a more balanced state.
Quick Coherence
This technique can be especially useful when you start to feel a draining emotion such as frustration, irritation or anxiety or stress. Using quick coherence at the onset of less intense negative emotions can prevent them from escalating and bring you back into balance more quickly.
Boundary Setting
Boundaries are guidelines, rules, or limits that you make about how others can treat you. Setting boundaries is important if we want to be both physically and emotionally healthy. Having awareness to set and enforce limits, you protect your sense of self, maintain self-respect, and promote healthy relationships.
#CreateMeaning Conversation
I have been asked again by Andrew Seaman an editor and Linked In to continue the conversation about helping my clients navigate their workforce. Linked In is calling this #CreateMeaning. Some of my clients want to stay at their current company and try to find a renewed sense of value in their current role.
#THEBIGSHIFT Conversation
Some people have lost jobs, feel overworked and underappreciated, or deciding to change their professions. The shift for self-improvement has helped people tap into their authentic selves and they crave a more meaningful connection to their employment. The world is predicting a “Great Resignation” in the job market due to people wanting to move on and try something new.
Theta Wave Walking Meditation
The Theta Wave Walking Meditation in a combination of theta waves with a walking meditation practice. Theata Waves help to improve our intuition, creativity, and makes your feel more natural. The walking meditation practice is a simple and easy way to combine mindfulness with movement.
Delta Wave Mindful Movement Meditation
The Delta Wave Mindful Movement Meditation in a combination of delta waves with a mindful movement meditation practice. Delta waves help to boost your immune system, restore deep sleep, and known to help the body naturally heal. Mindful Movement is a practice to help cultivate flexibility, energy, focus, and connection to the body in the present moment.
Gamma Wave Cultivating Compassion Meditation
The Gamma Wave Cultivating Compassion Meditation in a combination of gamma waves with a cultivating compassion meditation practice. Gamma waves help bind our senses, cognition, and information processing. Cultivating compassion meditation, also referred to as loving-kindness meditation or metta meditation is a practice to help generate or invite feelings of goodwill towards self and others.
The Beta Wave Body Scan Meditation
The Beta Wave Body Scan Meditation in a combination of bets waves with a body scan meditation practice. Beta waves help to increase our conscious focus and problem-solving skills. The body scan is a foundational practice that is particularly effective for new practitioners to practice mindfulness while connecting to the body
Alpha Wave Awareness of Breath Meditation
The Alpha Wave Awareness of Breath Meditation in a combination of alpha waves with awareness of breath meditation practice. Alpha waves help relieve stress and anxiety as well boost memory and concentration. Awareness of breath practice, also known as mindful breathing, is the practice of focusing attention on the natural flow of the breath.
Ready, Set, Meditate!
Brain waves are patterns of electrical activity occurring in the brain. They are crucial to all aspects of brain functioning: thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
Better Sleep Habits
It’s well-known that sleep is essential to our physical and mental health. For many people, trying to implement all these strategies can be overwhelming. But remember that it’s not all-or-nothing; you can start with small changes and work your way up toward healthier sleep habits, also known as sleep hygiene.
Worried Thoughts
Constant worrying, negative thinking, and always expecting the worst can take a toll on your physical and emotional health. It can zap your emotional strength, leave you feeling restless, cause trouble with sleep, headaches, stomach issues, give you muscle tension, and make it difficult to concentrate at work or school.
It is estimated that 1 in 10 Americans has experienced online harassment. 44% of youth report digitally disconnecting from people largely due to bullying. 60% of children have witness some form of bullying. 42% reported being bullied on Instagram. 37% reported being bullied on Facebook. 31% reported being bullied on Snapchat.
Goal Planning
83% of the population do not have goals, 14% have a plan in mind, but goals are unwritten & 3% have goals written down. The study found that the 14% who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals. The 3% with written goals are three times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals.